This clarification text has been prepared by Mensan Kimyevi Maddeler Tekstil Sanayi Ticaret ve Pazarlama Limited Şirketi, acting as the data controller, within the framework of Article 10 of the personal data protection law no. 6698 (“KVKK”) and the communiqué on the procedures and principles to be followed in fulfilling the disclosure obligation. It has been prepared to inform you about the purposes of processing, legal reasons, method of collection, to whom it can be transferred and your rights within the scope of KVKK.

Your name, surname, phone number and e-mail personal data that you share through the contact form on our website are processed for the purpose of carrying out the necessary work by the business units to benefit the relevant people from the products and services offered by our company, carrying out the relevant business processes and communicating with you about the subject you applied for. Additionally, we have no absolute control over the information you share with this form. We recommend that you do not share your personal data and sensitive personal data that you do not want us to know with our Company.

The personal data in question is processed automatically based on the legal reasons stated in article 5 of the KVKK: "Processing the personal data of the parties to the contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract" and "It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation". It is processed through this method and will only be shared with the relevant judicial authorities in case of legal disputes.

You can submit your requests within the scope of article 11 of the law, which regulates the rights of the relevant person, in accordance with the "communiqué on the procedures and principles of application to the data controller" to Ferikoy Mah., Kurtulus Cd. Istanbul Apt. You can send it in writing to No:64 D:8 Kurtulus Sisli - Istanbul or send it to e-mail address.

An application form that you can use has been published on our website to inform you and for your convenience.